roshan kumar pandian


I examine how the forces of globalization and political economy shape inequality (both between and within countries) and gender relations. My research agenda is oriented toward three classic sociological questions: (1) how has the global reorganization of production near the turn of the last century affected developmental prospects for countries in the Global South, (2) how do globalization and political economy shape income inequality, poverty, and well-being within countries, both rich and developing, and (3) how do development and globalization shape gender relations and family systems. Below, I list published papers and works in progress that belong to each line of research.

globalization of production & development

"The Decline of Global Inequality in the 21st Century: Reconsidering the Industrial Transformation Thesis." 2024.
American Journal of Sociology
"Does Manufacturing Matter for Economic Growth in the Era of Globalization?" 2017.
Social Forces
"Economic Globalization and Manufacturing Employment in the Global South."
In progress

political economy of income distribution & well-being

"Globalization of Production, Manufacturing Employment, and Income Inequality in Developing Nations." 2024.
Social Science Research
"What is Really Happening with Global Inequality?" 2018. (with Arthur S. Alderson)
Sociology of Development
"Globalization of Production and Union Decline in Rich Democracies."
Under Review (with Matthew Mahutga and Manjing Gao)
"GDP Overstatement in Authoritarian Countries and Global Inequality."
Under Review

gender, development, and globalization

"The Rise of Sonless Families in Asia and North Africa" 2022. (with Keera Allendorf)
"World Society Integration and Gender Attitudes in Cross-National Context." 2019.
Social Forces
"The Decline of Arranged Marriage? Marital Change and Continuity in India." 2016.
(with Keera Allendorf)
Population & Development Review
"Educational Hypogamy and IPV in India." Under Review